Category: FPO

Check Mirmire Laghubitta Sanstha Limited FPO Result
Check Mirmire Laghubitta Sanstha Limited FPO Result Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MMFDB) issued 123,816.45 unit FPO shares. Issue was open 25th Ashwin, 2080 to 30th Ashwin. The company will collect Rs 1.23 crore from this FPO. Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited is the issue manager for the FPO issuance of Mirmire Laghubitta Sanstha Limited…
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Upcoming FPO In Nepal: Mirmire Laghubitta To Issue 51,316 FPO Shares
Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MMFDB) is going to issue 51,316 FPO shares to the general public. Nepal SBI Merchant Banking is the issue manager for this FPO. MMFDB has 4,352,993.00 units of total share listed on the NEPSE. Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited was incorporated in 2009 and is based in Kavre, Nepal. It…
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