Check Peoples Hydropower Company IPO Result
Check Peoples Hydropower Company IPO Result
Peoples Hydropower Company Limited issued 56,06,390 unit shares from 25th Kartik, 2079 to 29th Kartik. Earlier, the company had issued 32,00,000 units IPO to the project-affected locals of Lamjung Districts and Dordi VDC from 31st Bhadra to Ashwin 30, 2079 but 23,93,610 units of the total issue were only allotted because of the validity of the application. Sanima Capital is the issue manager for the IPO issuance. It is developing a 54 MW run-of-river, Super Dordi Hydropower Project Kha (SDHPK) in the Lamjung district of Nepal under the BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer) mechanism.
How To Check Peoples Hydropower Company IPO Result
You can check the result from the following websites:
- Meroshare ->
- IPO Result Page ->
- Sanima Result Page -> Sanima Capital Limited IPO Result Page
Peoples Hydropower Company IPO Details:
Total IPO Units: 56,06,390 units
Units For Employees: 168,190 units
Units For Mutual Funds: 280,320 units
Units For General Public: 51,57,880 units.
Peoples Hydropower Company Limited (PHDCL) is a Public Limited company. It was established on October 9, 2007, as a Peoples Hydropower Company Private Limited and converted to a public limited on February 27, 2019.