Fastest Way To Check Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO Result
Fastest Way To Check Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO Result
Himalayan Hydropower Limited issued 19,68,250 units through Initial Public Offering (IPO) to the general public from Ashadh 15, 2079. Global IME Capital Limited is the issue manager for the IPO issuance of Himalayan Hydropower Limited. Global IME capital is also responsible for the IPO allotment process of the Himalayan Hydropower IPO.
Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO Result published on Ashad 28, 2079 at 8:30 am.
Himalayan Hydropower Limited is collecting almost 20 crores from this IPO.
Fastest Way To Check Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO Result
There are multiple ways to check the result of Himlayan Hydropower Limited IPO.
Method 1:
You can easily check the result of Himalayan hydropower Limited IPO from the following website of CDSC.
Method 2:
In the second method, you can also check the Himalayan Hydropower Limited IPO from the website and mobile applications of MeroShare. You need to log into your Mero share account to check the result.
Method 3:
In this method, you can check the result from the website of the issue manager and that is Global IME Capital.
Good luck for your result.