Nesdo Sambridha Laghubitta IPO Result Date [Tuesday, 24 Falgun 2078]
Check the IPO result of NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited / Nesdo Sambridha Laghubitta IPO Result Date
Nesdo Sambridha Laghubitta IPO Result Website
- MeroShare Website: You can check your result from your MeroShare website or mobile apps.
- IPO Result Allotment Website By CDSC
- Global IME Capital IPO Result
Nesdo Sambridha Laghubitta IPO Result Date
- The Authorized Capital of NSLBSL is Rs.50 Crore
- Issued and Paid-Up Capital is Rs.17,21,25,000/-.
There are 83 Promoters of NSLBSL. It has 56 branch offices located in 17 districts.
Out of 8,28,750 shares:
- 12,750 units have been allocated for employees
- 41,437 units have been allocated for mutual funds
- 7,74,563 shares are for the individual public.
NSLBSL started its operation on 5th March 2019. NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO closes with 25,99,598 Applicants. 25,99,598 Applicants applied for a total of 3,01,13,700 units. The issue has been oversubscribed 38.87 times.