Upcoming IPO In Nepal: Makar Jitumaya Suri Hydropower To Issue IPO
Makar Jitumaya Suri Hydropower company is going to issue IPO soon. The company is going to issue 2.28 million units of shares. Out of its paid-up capital, the hydro project will be floating an IPO worth 30% of the issued capital. Prabhu Capital has been appointed the issue manager.
Upcoming IPO In Nepal: Makar Jitumaya Suri Hydropower To Issue IPO
Out of 2.28 million units of shares, 7.60 lakhs unit of shares is allocated for the locals of the project affected area and the remaining for the general public. SKHPL is a Private company registered in Kathmandu with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MoICS), GoN, pursuant to the company act 2053 BS.
Suri Hydropower Limited and Makar Jitumaya Hydropower Limited merged together and will commence its joint transactions in the name of Makar Jitumaya Suri Hydropower Limited started from Shrawan 01, 2078