• February 14, 2021
Check IPO result of Mahila lagu

Check The Result Of Mahila Laghubitta IPO

Check IPO Result: Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has issued 4,00,000 units of the share as Initial Public Offering (IPO) to the general public from Magh 30. SBI Merchant Banking Limited Is the issue manager for the IPO issuance.

Update: The IPO allotment of Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited is concluded today. 37,500 applicants were allotted 10 units each via lottery, and the remaining 14,99,182 applicants were returned empty hands.

6,58,288 applications applied for the Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited  IPO for a total of 1,06,52,590 units. It was oversubscribed over 28.4 times. After the issuance of 4,00,000 units of IPO shares to the general public, the paid-up capital will rise to Rs 10 crore.

Check The Result Of Mahila Laghubitta IPO

You can easily check the IPO result of the Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited via Meroshare mobile application or Meroshare website.

You can go through this link to check the results once the share allotment process of the Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO is done by the issue manager.

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